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The Mission and Purpose of the Messiah

The 3.5 year period  Jesus spent preaching and teaching  was filled with amazing activity. He healed the sick, raised the dead, quieted the storm, cast out demons, and proclaimed the coming kingdom of God... Yet, out of the tens of thousands He reached, He was misunderstood and rejected by almost everyone. Only 120 people were there when the Church of God began with the receipt of the holy spirit.

Some of that misunderstanding was cleared up by the NT writings of the apostles… some remains with us today… and some new ones have developed along the way: The wise sage… the fighter for social justice… the welcoming and accepting friend.

Our purpose today is to review the biblical statements about Jesus mission and purpose as Messiah.

Jesus' Ministry Was to the Jews

Isaiah 53:2-3 the rejection I mentioned earlier was expected [but not predetermined]

In the flesh Jesus was a Jew. He was born among a people who had been told in advance that a Messiah would rise up from among their own people. But when the Messiah came in the person of Jesus, with all the signs and characteristics to verify it was him they rejected Him and killed Him.

· The priests, scribes, and pharisees saw Jesus as a threat to their authority... so they sought to kill him.

· The common people like Him when He fed them free food and healed them with no consulting fees... but when He talked about living according to the high standards of the Kingdom of God… about humility, suffering, service... they grew less enthusiastic. In the end they too turned on Him as well when He disappointed their dreams of national revival and greatness.

What Were Jews Expecting?

The Jews knew the prophecies of a Messiah [messiah: the chosen, or anointed in Hebrew, christos: means anointed one in Greek]. Scripture said He would be a powerful king who would restore Israel, ruling with righteousness and  justice. In the first century that would mean forcibly removing the Roman overlords, establishing an in dependant Jewish kingdom, and leading them into a restoration of covenant prosperity and blessings.

Matthew 2:1-2 the magi were probably learned Jews from Babylon [men like Daniel]. They knew the biblical prophecies about the messianic "king of the Jews".

Matthew 2:3-8 the priests and teachers in Jerusalem knew the prophecies. They knew the place, they knew the signs indicating the time... but they did not know who.

Matthew 22:42 they knew the messiah would restore the house of David [meaning He would be a king leading the nation in righteousness and justice.

Matthew 21:9 they were willing to consider Jesus as the messiah when it looked like He might enter Jerusalem and take it over by popular acclaim.

The Messiah is More Than a King

Jesus' birth and life... its timing... its details... His actions... fulfilled many OT prophecies [but not all]. Regarding the mission and purpose of the Messiah there is a fork in the road:

· One path leads to kingship and establishment of God’s rule in glory and power Isaiah 9:6-7, 2:2-4.

Reading these verses we can understand why the Jews might become frustrated with Jesus appearing with all the signs of the Messiah but not walking down this path. The path they expected his to take based on scriptural prophecy.

· The other path leads to a priesthood perfected by suffering and able to offer up His own  life as a sacrifice for the sins of all humanity Psalm 110: 4, Isaiah 53:4-9.

The Jews knew of these scriptures but found them confusing and did not understand them.

How could one Messiah coming at a specific place and moment in time accomplish both seemingly incompatible missions? A king had to live to rule… the sacrifice must die to cover sin.

The Solution

This solution was not obvious during Jesus’ ministry. We only understand it now through the teaching of the apostles and the Church… who received it from the risen Messiah himself Luke 24:25, 46-49

In hindsight we now understand that the prophecies had two layers of fulfillment: 1)  the messiah would come to perform the function of priest and sacrifice. 2) the messiah would come a second time to assume the function of King administering the will of God's on earth.

The appointed time interval between the two is what the bible calls "these last days"... the age of the Church Acts 2:17.

During this interim period before the administration of God's will on earth the Messiah continues His work through His Church.  His present purpose is to provide:

1. a satisfactory call to repentance... the task of proclamation has been given to the Church

2. a satisfactory explanation of the atonement for sin accomplished through Jesus death... the task of proclamation and explanation has been given to the Church

3. These lead to a calling and choosing of some to participate in the coming kingdom as administrators along with the Messiah

The sequencing of the messiah's work shows God's way of thinking. If and atonement capable of covering all sin had not preceded the time of rule... then when the time came to enforce righteousness and justice...  the messiah would only be able to condemn and punish sinners... since everyone sins... and since the just penalty for sin is death... everyone in such a kingdom would have to be put to death.

But now, when the Messiah come to rule He can apply mercy and forgiveness in a manner that allows Him to uphold justice because the penalty is paid by a redeemer.

Jesus' Statements About His Role as Messiah

Mark 1:15 Jesus' words could have easily led them to expect a political coup or a miraculous overthrow of their Roman oppressors. But He also held back their expectations… knowing that the Messiah had important tasks to accomplish beforehand so the future kingdom of God could work in a manner that didn’t bring about death for everyone.

Jesus didn't go around announcing that He was the messiah Luke 4:41, Matthew 16:15-16,20

Jesus didn't deny He was the messiah Matthew 11:2-6

On occasion He would privately accept the title “Messiah" or "Son of God"[examples]

Publicly He avoided allowing the public to determine which appointed tasks the Messiah would perform and in what order John 6:14-15.

Jesus knew what His people were expecting from their messiah. But the messiah's real mission and purpose at that time was that of the priest and atoning sacrifice [a layer of the Messianic prophecy the people did not see]. Had Jesus loudly proclaimed that He was the messiah [which was true]... he would have sparked a popular uprising among the Jews. This would have provoked immediate confrontation with the Jewish leaders and the Roman authorities... thereby bringing about His execution before the appointed time… and not according to the will of the Father.

Yet, when it was time Jesus affirmed to both the Jewish leaders and the Romans authorities that He was indeed the promised messiah!

Jesus' Statements About Kingship

Mark 14:61-64 they asked Jesus, He gave and honest answer, they condemned Him. To the Jew, the anointed one... the messiah... the Christ meant virtually the same thing as KING. But what about the non-Jew?

Luke 23:2 the Jews made the connection between messiah and king so Pilate [who was a Roman] would understand... and they hoped would see Jesus as a threat to the Roman government... and do the dirty work of killing Him.

Pilate, concerned about this allegation asks Jesus about the charge John 18:33-38

Pilate's impression was that Caesar's kingdom was under no threat from this metaphysical babbler named Jesus. Yet, in the end the Jews manipulated Pilate into executing Jesus on the grounds that He claimed to be king John 19:12-22.

John 1:11-13 His sacrifice made it possible for human beings to be saved from death… enter into family of God… and live together with Him in peace. There is no kingdom of God without the atoning sacrifice of the Messiah.

Prophecies of the Messiah's Kingship Remain Unfulfilled

Many of the prophecies concerning the messiah, His suffering, His role in redeeming human lives from the penalty of sin were fulfilled through Jesus life in the flesh. They are backed up by the testimony of eye witnesses who were willing to die so the truth could be heard. These are a testimony to the authority and truth of the bible written in human history.

Yet, future prophecies of the Messiah are still out there… waiting!

The Messiah will return to rule in power, glory, righteousness, justice, and mercy. He will teach the way of peace... He will settle disputes... He will teach people to live according to the will of God, the law of God will go forth from His throne.

At the completion of "these last days" comes a transition referred to as "the day of the Lord". That is the moment of impact... when the Messiah returns in power and glory to rule on earth. Peter refers to that future age as the "time of refreshing and restoration" Acts 3:13-21

To those who believe Jesus' death makes a positive future possible, His risen life is motivation to put on the mind of Christ, develop the fruits of spirit, do the works God has appointed for us to do, and prepare to assist the Messiah in administering the will of God on earth. 

Knowing that the Messiah will soon come as king, we accept His rule over us now... we submit to His authority now... we abide by His rules now... we prepare ourselves for the day He does return.

To those who disbelieve the ongoing proclamation of the messiah's work... past, present, and future will be considered fair warning. God has not done these things in secret and the messiah will be justified in all He does regarding punishment and condemnation on this present evil age.

His Mission is Still Misunderstood

Is He a great teacher distilling the best of human wisdom?

Is He the model for social justice and reform of the present age?

Is He the welcoming and open-minded friend?

The scriptures say:

He is our redeemer from the punishment of death

He is our coming king

1 Thessalonians 5:1-11



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