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Do The Souls Of Aborted Babies Go To Heaven?


Do the souls of aborted babies go to heaven?

An afterlife in heaven is not the biblical model for what happens after death. This is true for all people who have ever lived, including babies who are aborted. But there is a hope of eternity for them, just as there is for us.

What the Scriptures Say about Going to Heaven…

Jesus tells us that no human being has ever ascended to heaven except for himself, the Son of Man John 3:13. This same teaching is found in the first sermon ever delivered by the followers of Jesus Acts 2:34.

SO, What does Happen?

Instead, when a person dies the physical components of their body break down and return to the earth, at the same time their spirit returns to God Ecclesiastes 12:7. Although the spirit continues to exist this is not in a state of conscious life for that person. They are not thinking, planning, or experiencing emotions Ecclesiastes 9:5-6. The bible refers to this state as sleep. A sleep from which they will awaken at the time of their resurrection 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17.

Will Those Aborted Babies Then Be Resurrected?

No, the child who has been aborted will not rise up in the resurrection that takes place at Christ’s return. Their time of resurrection will be with the “rest of the dead spoken of in Revelation 20:4-5.

When they are resurrected “the rest of the dead” will then have the truth of God opened up for them to understand and they will be judged by how they respond. Those who’s names come to be  written in the book of life will have a glorious future with God and His family.

Revelation 20:11-15

God has a plan for everlasting life that will be made available to all human beings. For some the opportunity to receive eternal life from God is happening now. For most others that time is yet future in the plan of God.

For a more in-depth look at the bible’s true teaching on what happens after death take a look at this free bible study aid: What Happens After Death?

For a more in-depth look at what the bible has to say about heaven take a look at this free bible study aid: Heaven & Hell: What Does the Bible Really Teach?


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