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Fear God and Keep the Feast of Tabernacles

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The Feast of Tabernacles is the 6th of the 7 annual  biblical festivals. It pictures the 6th stage in God's plan of redemption and bringing spirit born children into a family relationship with Him.

After the 4th stage of Christ's dramatic return, and the 5th stage removing the source of deception and atoning for sins of ignorance... stage 6 is a 1,000 year demonstration of what God's rule looks like. Humanity will live in peace, with one another, and with God. There will be unimpeded access to knowledge and spiritual truth Isaiah 11:9. Stage 6 is not the final stage. Afterwards must come a day of decision for both God and all flesh.

Leviticus 23:34 we are commanded to keep/observe the feast. Our Creator wants us to live and experience this important step in His plan. There are many benefits and lessons we can learn through God's Feast of Tabernacles. But we will not learn them if we do not attend.

Learn more about the biblical festivals and their significance for followers of Jesus Christ. Use this free bible study guide to walk you through the biblical festivals - https://www.ucg.org/bible-study-tools/bible-study-course/bible-study-course-lesson-12-gods-festivals-keys-to-humanitys-future

If a person cannot get their act together enough so they can make it to the feast... can they really be relied upon to get their act together enough to be seated with Christ and assist Him in ruling during that 1,000 year period.

My boss won't give me the time off... I don't want to lose my job... I couldn't scrape together the few hundred dollars it takes to go to my local site... I don't like any of the available feast locations... I don't see why I have to be there other than on the high days... etc. To some these sort of excuses are more important that walking in the commands of God.

To refuse to keep the feast would be like saying I don't want to participate in the coming kingdom of God... I've got other things to take care of! That's a choice with consequences.

Learn To Fear God

Deuteronomy 14:23 we are to present our self in the place God has put His name to learn to fear Him. So, beyond the understanding and knowledge of the prophetic symbolism of the feast we are learning the lesson of obedience.

Proverbs 1:7 here is where wisdom begins! Fear is not to be understood as a sense of terror or horror... rather awe, respect, and worship. Although you should be very concerned about the consequences of not obeying God.

1 John 4:17-21 Christ's sacrifice opens up and makes possible a relationship with God. Then, as we get to know God better through instruction, prayer, bible study, trial, suffering, obedience, perseverance... our fear of Him is transformed and the result is love. Like the seed that is planted in fertile soil and grows into a beautiful tree that gives off delicious fruit. Love begins with the keeping of God's commands... love for our fellow humans and love for God.

All Nations Will Learn Proper Fear

Revelation 19:15 When the 1,000 rule begins Christ will use punishment and great power to subdue the hearts of people alive at that time. Iron is strong and unbending. One area of submission and obedience specifically mentioned is observance of the Feast of Tabernacles.

Zechariah 14:16-19 the goal is love and peace... but the process begins with proper fear and obedience. Then they will prosper and have blessed lives! [Isaiah 2:2-3. Micah 4:4-5]

Learn About God

Fear of God is only the beginning of a sequence; Godly fear... leads to love... leads to peace... leads to rejoicing! How might this play out at a feast site?

Fear God - we are concerned about the consequences of not obeying Him. So, we have all packed up our bags and headed off to the feast. Respect toward God also means respect for those He has appointed to manage the feast site. We should co-operate happily with guidelines we might be given, restrictions imposed by the hotel or staff... God does not like griping and complaining.

Love of God - we begin to understand that obedience and commandment keeping is the beginning of practicing love towards God and man. So, when we are at the feast we are very concerned about how we treat one another. We show respect and deference to the elderly, we spend extra time with our parents [children], we make every effort not to be short tempered or impatient with one another, we are careful not to act in ways that are sexually provocative, we are generous with one another, we don't try to gain advantage by cutting in line. These are all applications of God's 10 commandments.

Peace With God and Man - when we all make every effort to act this way the result is peace. Knowing our actions and attitudes are in sync with God, knowing our actions and attitudes are expressing love towards others gives us great peace. For 7 days you have the opportunity to experience the kind of peace all humanity will only experience during the 1,000 years of Christ's rule on earth.

Rejoice - for 7 straight days we are among God's people... who are all working to create a foretaste of the millennium. They will be all around you. We may fall short at times but we will pick ourselves  up and start right back at it. Also, you will receive daily instruction on these very things, picturing the time when knowledge of God and godly instruction will cover the earth.

Leviticus 23:30-40

We have all saved and prepared for the feast and we can enjoy the physical blessings of food, drink, trips, fellowship. So, rejoice!

Out there people are suffering, dying, persecuting, killing themselves or turning to drugs in despair. The answer begins with Godly fear and obedience.

In the world tomorrow all that confusion and despair will be replaced with what is good and pleasant. Spiritual blindness and deception will not cloud people's judgment. Even death will be done away with... but that's a message for the last of the holy days which follows the Feast.

For now rejoice! Make every effort to work together harmoniously, with church members, with staff, with outsiders. Think soberly about what it is you are a part of and create a joy filled atmosphere of the age to come.

Fear God and Keep The Feast


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