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Kindness - God's Grace and Mercy in Action

Kindness: Mercy & Grace in Action

The English word kindness is listed in Galatians 5:22 as one of the attitudes or actions the spirit of God produces in believers.

What does kindness mean? You might say "its hard to be too specific, but, I know kindness when I see it". Acts of kindness might include courtesy, encouragement, generosity,  devotion of money or time… for example: offering someone who is stranded a ride home in your car.

But isn't it possible for an action to appear kind but be nothing of the sort. A well dressed man might offer someone a ride home... if that someone is a little old lady you might say that's kind. But if that someone  is a  young woman wearing hotpants and a halter top... kind might not be the word you would choose.
So what we consider kind is conditional. It depends on the circumstances. What are those conditions and circumstances? What is the biblical model for kindness?

Today we are going to explore what the kindness produced by God's spirit looks like. We'll try to define it, we'll probe into kindness as an expression of God's character, and we'll consider how, where and why God wants us to put on the mindset of kindness.

Do your own personal bible study on the Holy Spirit of God with this free bible study guide: The Power of the Holy Spirit

Defining Kindness

I would like to propose that the kindness referred to in Galatians 5:22 can be understood as: help, service, generosity, assistance, even words, rendered to another person not in accordance with what they deserve or have earned but as an active expression of mercy & grace...

A. showing outgoing concern for their well-being
B. Showing our own putting on of Godly character

That’s my conclusion. Now, let me back up and explain how I came to that definition.

The Greek word

The word Paul used the Greek word chrestotes in Galatians 5:22 in English you read that as kindness. The word chrestotes was used in the Greek language to represent that which is useful, helpful, and by extension - moral excellence. So I believe Paul was inspired to use it to carry the sense of something done to help, or serve, another person because its the right or virtuous course of action [rather than a transaction done expecting a return or reciprocity].

The Modern English Word

The contemporary definition of the English word "kindness" is something like: friendly, generous helpful, considerate, pleasant agreeable. Its a pretty good choice but it does lack a bit with regard to the full biblical definition we want. How do these acts become products of God’s spirit rather than just social niceties? We’ll get there by adding the motive… which will be grace & mercy. But first, more on our good old English word “kind”…

Being Kind to Your Own Kind

In English, “kind is also used to mean a particular class or type of thing: " a daschund is a kind of dog", "she's a special kind of person" etc. That was the original meaning of the word in Olde English. Over time it morphed to take on a larger meaning pertaining to acts and attitudes.

Human beings are more apt to treat our own kind in ways that are helpful, considerate, generous... than we are to act this way toward outsiders, those of a different class, religion, nationality, tribe, family, fraternity, friend group.

We find it easier to relate to those we consider "our own kind". We assume we understand where our own kind are coming from, and we can more easily picture ourselves in their shoes.

This is a sort of worldly kindness… we take care of our own and hope they will do likewise.
Luke 6:32-36 our Father creator is calling us to something else. A form of kindness that is powered by His spirit, which imitates Him, and adopts His way of thinking.

God’s Kindness: Where It All Begins

God is kind and our understanding of what this fruit of the spirit is begins and builds upon our understanding of God.

Ephesians 2:1-10 in His mercy we are saved from death, in His grace we are offered incomparable riches. In kindness He pays our debts, and He gives us gifts.
Mercy is not getting what we do deserve
Grace is getting what we do not deserve
Justice is getting what we do deserve

Verse 1-3 we did not deserve God's kindness. We did not act in any way like kindred spirits with Him. We were enemies, outsiders, in no way reflecting God's kind.

Therefore, God is merciful toward our sin, gracious in offering us a seat alongside Christ.
Romans 11:22 [chart]

Note: God is also just in that the well deserved penalty for sin will be paid. Either through: Jesus sacrificial death... or... permanent death for the unrepentant.

God's Kindness Is Useful & Purposeful

The Greek word chrestos points us towards utility, usefulness and purpose. God's kindness fits the definition of the Greek word chrestotes in that it serves a purpose... it is useful.

God’s kindness is performed to bring about repentance. Question: Why would a person repent if they have no hope of mercy? ... Imagine a gospel that said "repent you sinner"... "why"... "because its the right thing to do" ... will repentance open up eternal life for me? ... "well, no. You're still going to have to be permanently destroyed for your sins... but really ought to repent".

Mercy is applied to give repentance a purpose!

Repentance means a change of mind, a change of attitude, a change of action. You change from your old kind of life to a Godly kind of life. God's purpose is to bring you into His eternal family, to build you up into into a full, complete, spiritual creation that is of the God kind.

God See’s You As One Of His Own

Remember all that stuff I said earlier about how humans naturally treat other humans better if they see them as their own kind?  

Your Creator, your Father, is able to see you and treat you as one of His own kind... even though at present you are not of His kind.

· You are not yet complete in the fullness of Christ
· You are not yet raised in glory and immortality
· You are not yet spirit, you are flesh

But God created humanity so they could attain all this.
What’s more, our Creator can picture, visualize, what we can be, what we are going to be and He lavishes us with mercy, compassion, grace, consideration like beloved sons or daughters… which is what you are.
Hebrews 2:17-18 your Creator made the first move in bridging this gap through Jesus Christ. He was willing to become like you so He could better understand… better extend mercy, compassion and grace. He can picture himself in your shoes! And He is standing right beside the Father as you advocate every minute, advising, consulting and advocating for you.  

To become more like Christ you must develop more of  this way of thinking.

Treating Others With Kindness

God wants you to think of, and treat others who might be very different from you, as you would your own kind... with mercy, grace, understanding and compassion. This is a hard lesson because it goes against your human nature.

To help teach you this difficult lesson God has established a special classroom… the Church of God. He has placed you in it as He sees fit and put His son [Christ] in charge. As just mentioned Christ has excellent qualifications for this position.

Romans 15:1-3 congregations are made up of weak and strong. Elsewhere we read they are made up of:  Jews & Greeks [meaning different cultures], slave & free [meaning different socio-economic classes], male & female [meaning different genetic makeups].

We are all very different and we cannot achieve real kindness if we don't get to know one another. How can you know the needs of others if you never fellowship with them? Therefore, spend time, energy, personal resources on one another.

Titus 3:1-8 

God wants you to treat others as you would your own. He wants you to think and act this way... because He does, and He wants you to learn to act and think like Him. To be fashioned into the full likeness of the God-kind.

Kindness Beyond The Church of God

To truly become like God we have to take kindness beyond the sandbox of the Church of God into the world and all the people we encounter there. Drunkards and drug users, sexually immoral representing every stripe of the rainbow, promoters of false gods... and extend kindness to them. But we must be very careful that we not get drawn into their sin. We are warned about this even within the context of the Church of God Galatians 6:1-2,10. Learn it in the sandbox - apply it everywhere.

Warning #1: grace & mercy must not be seen as indifference to sin! This is part of the “who am I to judge” trap. We dealt with that more fully in the message on goodness.

Warning #2: grace & mercy must not be seen as approval of sin! The wicked in this world want more than just your indifference... they want your approval. They want you to join them in calling what is evil good and what is good evil. Compassion, mercy, and grace can easily provide a slippery slope that leads you to explicit or implicit approval of sin.

Grace & mercy without condoning, or appearing to condone, evil. Its a real challenge... you need to power of God's spirit active within you to accomplish it.

Godly Kindness is For Everyone

Jonah 4:2 [NKJV= lovingkindness] God's kindness is His mercy and grace in action. In this case restraint of due punishment because of repentance.

Joel 2:11-13 God will extend His merciful, gracious, and kindness to humanity right up to the very end when Christ returns.

Listen to this message on Youtube: Kindness - God's Grace and Mercy in Action

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