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God’s Commands Are Spiritual And Stand Throughout Time

There is trouble in our world. Nations and cultures are in conflict… there is fear, anger, corruption at work, in politics… families are drowning in a sea of selfishness, perversion, even violence. What is the cause of it all?

The answers are wrapped up in the concept of law… the human mind does not like this concept of law… but we are going to forge ahead anyway.

Physical Laws & Spiritual Laws

The universe has physical laws… gravity, the laws of thermo dynamics, genetics, etc… these are the basis for physical life which is temporary. The universe also has spiritual laws which provide the basis for spiritual life which is eternal. These spiritual laws are outlined and explained in the form of God’s commands… the premier example being His 10 commandments.
God’s laws don’t show us how to build a house or split an atom. God’s law is spiritual… and shows us in humanly, understandable terms, the mind of God, We get instruction in how He thinks and how to put it into practice. Be truthful (don’t lie), be faithful (no adultery), be generous (don’t covet), be respectful, love… these are the mind of God which is permanent and unchanging (the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow).
1 John 2:3-5 His commandments are how we know God… know the mind of God. We have this knowledge in written form but also in the life of Christ. He came to reveal the Father to us by doing the will of the Father for all to see… including keeping or living in His commandments… the premier example being His 10 commandments.
It is commonly thought that the 10 commands only came into existence as part of God’s covenant with Israel. But if these commands are indeed eternal spiritual principles then we should expect to find evidence of them even before Israel stood before God at Mount Sinai to receive them.

From Adam to Moses

1 John 3:4 sin is the transgression (or violation) of the God’s law
Romans 5:12-13
·        Adam committed sin à brought death
·        Sin not reckoned where there is no law
·        But there was a reckoning for sin because death did reign from Adam to Moses sin all have sinned
·        Therefore law and reckoning for sin was in effect from Adam to Moses
Sin still brought death and wrath before the commandments were written on stone and given to Israel. The spiritual eternal law of God was in play before, during, and after the covenant at Sinai. The covenant didn’t usher in some new radical concepts of law, it really brought a more complete awareness of what those eternal spiritual laws are… and with that greater knowledge came greater accountability… greater wrath.
Genesis 26:5 Abraham is first and foremost noted for his faith… but his faith led him to obedience. Notice that Abraham is praised by God for keeping His laws, statutes, and judgments. The wording is significant. It is the same wording you find referring to the moral principles included in the terms of the OC. The record of Abraham’s obedience is not referring to generalized ideals like kindness or goodwill… this is far more specific.
From Adam to Moses you can find evidence of all the 10 commandments (the spiritual law of God) being judged by God when violated. The sins of Adam & Eve… of Cain… of Jacob… but my favorite is found in Genesis 2:2-3.
The commandments of God show us the path to happiness, success, and peace. They are our guide for right relationships and much more. We say we want happiness, to feel good about ourselves, to get along and God’s laws are our instructions for achieving that.
The problem is, we are not living that way and we don’t get the good results they lead to… and we ask what’s wrong? We want love… but will not act in ways that are loving.
God is love and His commandments are an amplification of how Godly love plays out in the physical realm.

God Makes a Covenant With Israel

Exodus 19:5-8 à(the laws etc: Exodus 20-23)àExodus 24:1-8 The eternal spiritual laws of God are best known as part of the terms of the old covenant. Note: the commandments are not the covenant. The covenant is an agreement… if you do this I will reciprocate by doing this. (Give example) Obedience will bring blessing/ disobedience will bring cursing.

There is More in The OC Than The Commandments

God’s covenant with Israel also contained rules and instructions about how humans contaminated by sin could safely approach the holy, righteous and all-powerful God who would dwell among them. Rules for the tabernacle, a priesthood, sacrifices… all of which were temporary until the coming of Christ. But the commandments are not temporary.
As part of making the covenant God wrote down the eternal spiritual principles (known as the 10 commandments) in human language… so that we could hear and understand them... written on stones, later scrolls, then paper, and most recently electrons. Eternal spiritual truth was made more understandable to flesh and blood people by putting them in the context of human physical existence... family relationships, property rights, court justice, worship practices. The essence of the mind of God could now be learned and taught, even to children, and humanly passed on to future generations (rather than by the direct intervention of God).

We Are Not Born With This Important Information Built-in

A giraffe or a penguin is born with almost everything necessary to be a good giraffe or penguin. For the most part they are born pre-programmed to function… Birds have an instinct for flying, nest building etc. From birth animals know how to do most necessary things with very little learning… and they generally stay with the same basic behavioral pattern they were designed with.
Humans are different. Yes, we have instincts and proclivities but most of what we are, how we interact, what we think… is learned behavior. We are born more like a blank slate versus animals that are born with instinct. We have to be taught what it is to be a fully integrated human person… mind, body, and spirit.
We are made in God’s own image with a mind like His but limited in scope and scale and with a spiritual component not found in animals. We are taught, we learn, we choose, which produces character. To learn Godly character and to develop a mind patterned after God our Father we need additional information. That additional information comes from beyond us… not from within us.

The Purpose of the Written Law

The purpose of those 10 commandments… on stone, or scrolls, or paper, or electrons is to give you that necessary information. Possession of the information does not justify you, or save you, or build the mind of Christ in you. They are just words on paper… of themselves they have no active power.
The power is in what you do with the information, conviction of what sin is, repentance and baptism to bury the sins of the past, receipt of the Holy Spirit and the power to clean up your life from attitudes and actions that breed sin… and this is the basis for eternal spirit born life.
Romans 3:20 – the purpose of the law is to show you what sin is. The words of themselves have no power… the power to comprehend, be convicted, take action is of the Holy Spirit.
Romans 7:7b, 12 these are the spiritual principles that speak to us about the mind of God, that bring us happiness, success and hope… and as such, they have been, and are in place at all times in all places.
We do not know these principles by instinct… we must be taught. This is God’s pattern and design from the beginning. Adam received a command from God… Cain was taught about SIN and personal choice. They had to make choices between happiness, right relationships, success or suffering, alienation and failure Gen 4:6-7.

 The Law in The New Covenant

Hebrew 8:10 The old covenant was terminated because of the people’s failure to comply and a new covenant has been established. Please notice that the spiritual, eternal, holy, good laws which express in human terms the mind of God our creator are still in place. Why would they ever be done away?
The terms of covenant “deal” have changed… but the mind of God has not changed. Have faith, show faith and I will write my laws on your heart and on your minds… what is written on your heart and mind? God’s Law. This is the process of salvation, sanctification, and transformation leading to eternal life!
Romans 3:31, I Corinthians 7:19, 2 John 5-6, Revelation 14:12

God’s Law In The Future

The next step forward in the future of humanity is the return and rule of Christ on earth for a 1000 year period. (KOG) The laws of God will still be around… still be taught… still perform the same function!
Revelation 20:4 judge implies there is a law
Isaiah 2:2-3
Ezekiel 36:26-27 God plans to reestablish Israel as a model nation in millennial period. Their standing as a model nation once again will be based on His laws and commandments, but this time Israel will have them on the same terms as the new covenant… God will write His laws on their hearts and minds. (Romans 11)

God’s Law Is Spiritual And Stands Throughout Time

We do not know the fullness of God. But His desire is to make Himself known to us. He has created us in His own likeness… capable but limited. We have been given His commands, statutes and judgments which help us understand His mind… written in a manner that touches on both the physical and spiritual… just like the lives we live… physical and spiritual
We were born to learn… to be taught and to receive this eternal spiritual information... to mature and grow into fully mature children in His family. God’s mind hasn’t changed and His commandments haven’t been done away with. If anything we simply have more information than ever before.

But the real question is “what are you going to do with it”?

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