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Financial Security and Peace of Mind

Concerns about money and wealth dominate relationships among nations, national politics, our businesses and jobs, our families, and our own internal dialog. We highly esteem the acquisition of wealth yet it ends up weighing us down like an unbearable burden… either obsession with how much we have or worries about what we lack.
Without the wisdom and perspective we get from God and His word the place and position of wealth in life gets out of balance.
Your Creator knows that money, wealth, and stuff are important to you. Actually, He is very interested and has plenty to say about how we handle our money, wealth, and stuff. God wants His children to prosper, work hard, and be content. He offers lots of guidance to help make that possible.
As with other matters like, sex, law, worship humanity makes a huge error… we think we can handle it alone. What does God know about slugging it out day to day… trying to make a living… trying to make ends meet? He knows a lot because: a) He created all things b) through Jesus, God has lived it.
But humanity does not give God credit for having the answers. We want to figure out our own answers… cutting ourselves off from His favor, and His advice.
Today we are going to review what God’s word has to say about financial security, and peace of mind. I have 6 action points:

Guard Your Mind Against Materialism

Our brains are wired to understand reality through what we can feel, see, hear etc. We know there is a spiritual component to our minds but our first instinct is to go with what it material, or physical.
That is why God’s advice [which is oriented toward the development of the spirit] is hard to swallow. Much of what God reveals to us is contrary to human nature. He tells us not to make accumulation of wealth and goods our top priority. While our human nature screams “no, gather as big a stash as you can… its your ticket to survival, dominance, and happiness”.
Matthew 6:33 God tells us to make spiritual development, building the mind of Christ needed for success in the coming rule of God on earth through Christ. He adds to that, saying that if you make this your focus He will take care of the necessities of life [but that’s not a promise of a life of ease and comfort… many aspects of your spiritual development come only through perseverance in trial].
God’s warning about the wrong mental outlook regarding wealth, money, and stuff is actually one of God’s TOP TEN guidelines for living: Exodus 20:17 [also applies to sex, status etc.]
Covetousness: intense/obsessive desire for more… “I’m not content with what is legitimately mine… I want to possess yours as well”.
Hebrews 13:5

Remember That The Source of All Wealth is God

This is a subset of remembering God as Creator. As creator of all things… they are His to freely give to whomever He chooses… for whatever reasons He chooses.
1 Chronicles 29:11-12 / Psalm 24:1
Here’s your first TO DO item: acknowledge God for His gifts to you:
  • Say thanks
  • Put your money where your mouth is. Give back 10% of all your increase.
This 10% give back to God accomplishes takes your thoughts and puts it into concrete action. It also puts you in the position of participation in, and support of, the proclamation of His truth to others so they might also learn and benefit.
Abraham did it, Jacob did it, all Israel was instructed to tithe, Jesus endorsed it!
This willingness to acknowledge and obey God is the first step toward learning important spiritual lessons, through the management of your personal finances. Note: God also promises material blessings to those who obey and acknowledge Him through tithing.
Putting God first in your financial plans is a demonstration of intent and a re-alignment of priorities Leviticus 27:30 the 1st 10th set aside for His purpose not your own.

Make a Conscious Decision What Will Be Your Highest Priority

Ecclesiastes 2:1-11 pleasure, wealth, stuff is futile
Ecclesiastes 5:10 it fails to satisfy [at some point you realize, you will have to leave it all behind, worse, it will all be given to someone else who didn’t have to work for it, probably will never appreciate it]
Matthew 6:24 – You might think you can give equal focus to both God and the pursuit of wealth… but you cannot have 2 top priorities. You need to make a conscious choice.
Riches: God acknowledges you need money to survive and promises to help. But it can seem a lot more sound and secure to rely on a horde of cash, property, precious metals. We can see those things. And they do have some power to keep us from many troubles, trials… but not all. Like the death of a child, or a divorce.
Riches are vulnerable. They can be suddenly taken away from you… a stock market crash, flood or storm, and of course your own day of death. [Steve Jobs]
Luke 12:15-21, 32-34 – rich man’s wealth and accomplishments die with him
Serving God: if you put your primary focus on building the mind of Christ in you, then you are investing in something that will not ever be taken away from you. Even on the day you die. It is there waiting for you on the day of resurrection.
1 Corinthians 3:12-15
Matthew 13:22 if you do try to have them both, money will probably end up choking out it rival.

Fulfill Your God Given Financial Responsibilities Toward Others

Pay your taxes Romans 13:1-7. We are not exempt from government authority.
Matthew 22:17-21 pay your taxes but don’t neglect God.
Be generous and willing to contribute to the needs of others. 2 Corinthians 9:6-15,
Ephesians 4:28 a God given rationale for the work ethic. We tend to think of money as a way to satisfy personal needs and wants. Therefore, money is a “me” thing. But in God’s eyes money is just one of life’s many temporary experiences we can use to build Godly thinking. In this case to not only take care of our own needs but have some extra so we can help others in need.

Develop A Mindset of Contentment

Philippians 4:10-13 Paul is here presenting contentment as a form of mental discipline.
Focus on your genuine needs rather than the extras, the frivolous, the flashy things you see on Facebook or that advertisers say you simply must have.
1 Timothy 6:6-12 there is great spiritual danger in always wanting more.

Fulfill Your Personal Responsibilities Before God

Contentment does not mean laziness. God’s plan and purpose for you involves working hard, being self-sufficient, not taking advantage of others. The mandate for generosity is not to create a haven for freeloaders. Its to create an environment where people are given a way to get back up on their own 2 feet and start becoming a productive person.
1 Thessalonians 4:11-12
2 Thessalonians 3:7-13
1 Timothy 5:8 families should take care of their own
1 Timothy 6:17-19 share blessings with others who are in need


Money itself is neutral, neither intrinsically good of bad. Love of money, the pursuit of wealth and stuff… that’s what is bad. If we have the wrong mental outlook on money we can be guilty of covetousness, or idolatry. If we have the right mental focus on money it can be a wonderful vehicle for us to learn important spiritual lessons and practice God like patterns of thought.
Money is merely a tool.
Our challenge is to establish our priorities and practice the financial principles pleasing to God.

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