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The Role of Promises in Biblical Prophecy

A promise from God is a prophecy from God. If God says He is going to do something you can be sure He will do it. Not only is your Creator faithful and reliable… He wants you to enjoy the feeling of security in His faithfulness… and He wants to enjoy your confidence in Him.

Trust & Confidence: the foundation of a healthy relationship.
God’s word speaks His promises to you [and to all humanity]… from beginning to end.
Genesis 3:15 God’s first promise to humanity is a prophecy directed at the adversary… the serpent… the morning star Lucifer who by his own choice became God’s enemy.
God promises a solution to the problems and suffering humanity have brought upon themselves. A choice to go their own way apart from God. A choice with no good future.
God tells Satan [the serpent] that from the descendants of Eve there will come a “Seed” or descendant who would step/stomp on his head and crush it. Satan would be permitted to attack the foot of the “Seed” and temporarily disable, harass and impede His work [a reference to the execution of the Messiah and the 3 days in the tomb, also a reference to the continued harassment of the present body of Christ as they bring the true gospel to the world].
But the end is decided and certain. Satan gets stomped.
Scripture begins with a promise: God will send a “Seed”, a Son of Man, a descendant born of woman, to restore humanity from the pain, suffering, and death they chose… He will crush and replace Satan, and take charge of the course of humanity on earth. The rest of prophecy expands and elaborates on this promise.

Promises to Abraham

God calls Abraham and sets him apart. And He makes some promises to Abraham that show how the original promise from Genesis 3:15 will happen.
Genesis 12:1-3 from Abraham will come a nation through which God will bring good to all humanity
Genesis 22:18 from Abraham will come the “Seed” or descendant who will bring good things, and the promise of a brighter future to all humanity.
Through Abraham God reveals a new pathway for humanity.
On one hand we have the path set by Adam, to follow our own heart, our humanly devised sense of what is right and true. Its the way of all physically created beings, but it has no future. Physical life comes to an end after about 75 to 90 years. Without God there is nothing to look forward to. Just nothingness. [there is a way that seems right to a man but the end is death]
On the other hand we have the path set by Abraham, to believe God, have confidence in His promises and to live by His word [obey His voice] because of that confidence. This is the way of spiritual creation. To have the mind of God built in you… a way with a bright a glorious future beyond those 75 to 90 years… a hope of eternal life in the family of God.
The promise to Abraham is an example of one prophecy fulfilled in multiple ways [duality]:
  1. The Messiah would be born as a descendant [or seed] of Abraham
  2. Abraham’s millions of descendants would become a nation. God would make known a better way of living through that nation… His commandments, judgments, and statues… a way of mercy, faith, holiness and righteousness
  3. All who believe God and follow the path of faithful obedience would be of the same spiritual family as Abraham Galatians 3:16

The Nation of Israel

When Abraham was old enough to be a great grandfather, and his wife was decades past menopause, they had a son Isaac. Isaac had two sons: Esau the oldest son & Jacob the younger. Against all tradition and precedent Jacob [the younger] was chosen to receive the promise over Esau [the elder].
These children were the beginning of God making good on his promises. The circumstances sent a message about how God works:
  • God starts things small and causes them to grow larger.
  • God’s blessing is a miracle… over-riding the laws of physics and biology. Isaac was a miracle baby
  • Passing the promises along to Jacob was God’s choice. It was not deserved or earned. However, God does expect a positive response from us in return
Jacob’s 12 sons became the 12 tribes Jacob’s name was changed to Israel The 12 tribes became the nation of Israel a line of human born kingship in Israel was established through David… and Israel did achieve a certain level of greatness during their centuries of nationhood.
But God’s promise of greatness was not limited to the possession of territory, or having the written revelation of God, or the possession of a great and noble line of kings.
Romans 4:13 God’s promise to Abraham was everything… the world… the Kosmos
God’s promises a positive outcome to human existence… a promise made to Adam, to Eve, to Abraham, to Jacob… an outcome never fulfilled by Israel. Even with the huge impact the tiny nation had on human history they never even came close. However, through them God demonstrated His power, showcased His laws statutes and judgements. Through the prophets of Israel He provided further details of the glorious future He has in store for humanity.
So… through Israel, God has indeed provided blessings for all humanity but there is so much more.

A Spiritual Nation

Israel was established as a nation on the world stage with a purpose: to become a blessing to all nations. They were given God’s commandments, statutes and judgements so that the nations around would see the goodness and good things that come from following God’s plan for living and want to imitate them Deuteronomy 4:5-8.
Israel didn’t deliver. But God keeps His promise.
Ephesians 2:11-13 the Messiah was born into Israel as the “Seed” and descendant promised to Eve, and to Abraham. Through Him the promises of blessing for all humanity opened up and blossomed.
Israel had failed because they lacked the convicting and empowering Spirit of God. Now through that power of God at work a new spiritual nation would be formed. A spiritual Israel 2 Peter 2:9.
Romans 11:13-21 now non-Jews were to be brought directly in the spiritual nation of Israel because they have faith and show the results of faith… like Abraham. Note: those brought into this spiritual nation were subject to certain qualifying conditions. God expects a positive response from those he chooses… “to obey His voice”.

Is God done with the physical descendants of Jacob?

No! And understanding this point is essential to understanding many of the future prophecies concerning Israel… prophecies that only take place after Christ returns to establish the rule of God on earth. Not understanding this point leads many to believe and teach that the prophecies about Israel and the fulfillment of them are a thing of the past.
Romans 9:4-6
Romans 11:1-2 not rejected
Romans 11:3-6 a remnant of Israel was drawn out to form the beginnings of the church of God, the spiritual nation of Israel [Peter, John, Paul etc]. They would form the base which the non-Jews would then be grafted into.
Romans 11:7-12 tripped because they cannot see and understand the work of the Messiah, that His coming is 1st as a redeeming sacrifice… then to come again as a conquering king].
Verses 25-27 Even though Israel failed in their mission, and failed to recognize the Messiah, God has not cast them aside forever. He will fulfill His promise made to Abraham to the utmost degree. Abraham’s physical descendants will be redeemed and rehabilitated. The Messiah will make this come to pass after His 2nd coming. The promise does not fail.

Israel During Christ’s 1,00 Year Rule

The physical descendants of Abraham will have a special role to fulfill when the Messiah returns as King of Kings. The 1,000 year rule of the Messiah on earth will re-establish Israel as a model nation. Through them other nations will learn the way of God. This truth is essential to understanding many of the prophecies related to the rule of Christ on earth [Isaiah 2:3-5, 45:19-25, 60:3-6, 66:18, Joel 3:1-2, Zechariah 8:20-23 etc]
Note: entrance into eternal life and the family of God comes only through Christ… the promised “Seed” and firstborn of the faithful. But, as spelled out in the prohecies about the world under Christ’s rule the spiritual work of God takes place in a physical world. In dealing with that physical world as King and ruler Christ fulfills God’s promise to Abraham in working through Israel as a blessing to all nations.

Promises of Kingship

On his deathbed, Jacob prophesied of what would come of each of his 12 sons. To his son Judah he made a promise of kingship and rule.
Genesis 49:10 Judah was promised rulership. Remember that God had promised Abraham a “Seed” who would be a blessing to all humanity. The Messiah, the king of kings, would come from Abraham’s descendants. Of all the grandchildren this promise would be fulfilled through Judah. This gives us another key to understanding the unfolding of biblical prophecy and the fulfillment of God’s promises.

God’s Promises of Kingship Pass to David

After several centuries of turmoil and trouble a line of human born kings was established in Israel. This line of kings began with David… a descendant of Judah.
2 Samuel 7:8-16 God promised David that his family would be an everlasting dynasty of kings. This promise is partially fulfilled by his physical descendants [for example Solomon]. But certain aspects of what God is promising can only be fulfilled by the Messiah.
Luke 1:31-33 Jesus Christ is the heir to the throne of David. This helps us understand the many prophecies about kingship made long after David died that have not yet been fulfilled. For example: Isaiah 9:6-7
This promise of perfect righteous rule was never achieved by any restoration of king Hezekiah, or king Josiah. It is a promise waiting to be fulfilled by the “Seed” promised to Eve [and through her to all humanity]. The descendant who will crush the head of the serpent and restore the rule of the earth to its rightful place.
The same “Seed” promised to Abraham. A descendant through whom a better and brighter path will be opened up to all nations… and an eternal future opened up to the faithful.
Jesus Christ is the descendant and heir promised to David who will establish a rule and kingship that is everlasting.


Biblical prophecy is built upon the promises of God. And God keeps His promises.
A solid understanding of these promises is the beginning to understand biblical prophecy.
Understanding prophecy is to understand your Creator’s plan of a better future for you, and for humanity

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