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Prophecy Is For All Nations And Peoples

The prophetic portions of God’s word give the nation of Israel a lot of attention. Is He playing favorites? Is He ignoring all the other nations and people on earth?
3,500 years back people believed gods were local. Such gods had jurisdiction only over a particular territory or a particular race. When you went to a different place you had better make an effort to appease the god of that section of country to gain their favor. A mindset that even Israel struggled with.
The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (the God of scripture) is the Creator/Ruler/Father of ALL nations… not just Israel. He is the God of all the earth, not just a patch of land in the middle east. The prophecies He has caused to be recorded affect all nations and peoples of the earth.

Genesis 12:3 Israel’s mission was to be a blessing to ALL the nations of the earth.
Exodus 22:21
Deuteronomy 10:17-19
Deuteronomy 27:19
Ezekiel 47:22
These scriptures give us the mind of God on the matter. He loves those of other nations and wants the people He has chosen to think and act the same way. God judges each person by how they respond to His instructions. Some have received a lot and some have received very little.
Romans 9:4 Israel received a lot. In return God expects a lot from them. The same equation is at work in the church, the spiritual nation, the Israel of God. “to whom much is given, much is expected in return”. Therefor this principel is at work for you and me also.
In the days of the Old Covenant God used Israel as a sort of middle-man. He delivered His word directly to them… they were to take it to the rest of the world, living it, speaking of it in their streets and homes. The same equation is at work in the church, the spiritual nation, the Israel of God… to speak, to teach, and to reach.
It may be that Israel’s shortcomings kept their neighbors from seeing the light of God’s commands. It may be that the shortcomings of the church keep others from seeing the light of God’s truth. [woe unto us if that be the case].

Israel is First in Line

The physical descendants of Abraham may have been the first to received the good things of God. They are also first in line to receive His discipline and punishment.
Luke 21:20-24 when the Day of The Lord comes Christ will deal out punishment and discipline to all the nations of the earth… Israel is also to be punished and disciplined. But their punishment and discipline comes even before the Christ’s return.
Before Christ’s return there is a time of great tribulation. God will punish Israel for their rebellion and rejection by allowing the nations to have their way with Israel. The results won’t be pretty.
God completely removes all protection from Israel, they are viciously attacked by al the other nations with Satan goading them on. The descendants of Abraham are killed in huge number and the rest are taken as slaves. It is “the time of Jacob’s trouble’ Jeremiah 30:6-10.
Note: Jesus uses same terminology [pain of childbirth, no time like it in history] in His long prophecy in Matthew 24: 6-8 [painof childbirth], 21 [no time like it]. Very likely one of the prophetic writings He was referring to was the time of Jacob’s trouble.
So… the time of Jacob’s trouble comes right before the return of Christ when He will forcefully discipline all nations, all cultures, and people… but the process of punishment will have already begun with Israel.
God starts with Israel: He revealed Himself first to Israel, Israel is punished and disciplined first, and Israel is the first nation and people to be restored when the Kingdom of God and the 1,000 year rule of Christ begin.

God Does Not Forget Rest of Humanity

Isaiah 66:18-23
Acts 10:34-35 The church began with a remnant of believers drawn out of Israel, Peter, John, the 120 disciples, the 5,000 baptized on Pentecost, Paul… and on that base God is drawing to Himself people from all nations. The situation in this verse is referring specifically to the church. But is also a template for how Christ will operate during the 1,000 year rule.
2 Peter 3:9 God wants all people to come to Him.
Isaiah 56:1-8 God wants all people to come to the way of life He made known to Israel all those centuries and millenia ago. The way that He has made known to you through His word and the active power of the Holy Spirit in you.

God Works With People Based On How They Respond

To the eunuch or the nations who choose what is pleaing to Him… good stuff.
An example: God sent Jonah to Ninevah with a warning to repent or die. They repented and God changed His intention based on how they responded.
A not-so-good example: Nebuchadnazzer Have you ever asked yourself “why did God give Nebuchadnezzar the king of wicked Babylon dreams of the future?”. People like Daniel, solomon, Isaiah make sense but why Nebuchnazzer? He was bad.
After Judah was finally destroyed for their rebellion against God. There was no longer any model nation on the planet. Meanwhile, Babylon was a huge player on the international scene... Influential, powerful, with a sophisticated culture. Was God offering Babylon, through Nebuchadnezzar, the opportunity to be a nation God could perform a work through?
Daniel 4:19-26
Daniel 4:27 was God saying through Daniel “repent and be great Nebuchadnezzar!”. What then was Nebuchadnezzar’s response?
Daniel 4:28-30 “I don’t need God. I’m already great!”
Compare Nebuchadnezzar’s response to Abraham, who heard Gods voice and obeyed, or even the people of Israel who heard the commandments from God at Sinai. When God asked “will you live by these rules?”… the people of Israel responded “yes, we want to go for it”. Israel may have failed in the end… but at least they would try.
God works with people based on how they respond... What is your response to God?
Nebuchadnezzar’s arrogance and vainty was a bad response. So lhe was was struck down for 7 years as promised. Afterwards, he was willing to acknowledge God’s awesome power, His authority over earth. But, as far as we can tell he never changed his ways like Daniel advised.
God has shown and human history has shown: Leaders, people’s, and nations [Israel and all the rest] are unable to consistently follow and obey Romans 3:9-12.
This will remain the situation until Jesus Christ returns to bring the rule of God to earth and the power of the Holy Spirit is poured out upon the nations.
Only then will all nations, peoples and cultures be convinced of what is right, and be committed to doing what is right. Only then will righteousness, justice, mercy, love, peace, and the joy of eternal life sweep over the face of the earth.

Beginning with Israel… but extending to everyone who is willing to say YES to God and to Jesus Christ.

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