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Tips for Effective Bible Study

Tips for Effective Bible Study – Putting on the Mind of God

Our Purpose: to answer the common complaint “I just don’t know how to even start doing bible study”
Hebrew 11:6 Bible study involves work. You cannot be passive – waiting for a cloud of pixie dust to swirl around your head, waiting for God to move you… then I’ll be fired up for bible study. Yes, God makes the first move and draws or calls us BUT, He expects us to call back! Jeremiah 33:3

Psalm 119:9-16 intended in particular for the young people in the congregation.

Concept: If you were operating a shoe store you would need to have lots of shoes… lots of different types of shoes etc. You need to build up some inventory. Why?

So that when someone comes in to find a pair of shoes to buy you have something to offer them. Not only that but you don’t keep all your shoes in a big pile in the middle of the floor. You want to know where the different type of shoes are… and to know how to access them quickly and efficiently.

Likewise you need to build up a moral inventory. To have God’s laws, how they are applied etc. stored in your mind. Hopefully in an organized manner… So that when you are faced with a challenge of what to do or what to say you know where to go to get the answer. Aisle 5 pallet 3, box # 7. Often you will need to access the answers quickly… you won’t have half an hour to search for an answer you need to know right them.

1.      Read the entire bible
a.      Gives you a sense of scope and context. You need to know what’s in there and what’s not
b.      Try a “read the bible in a year” program. Consider reading the same sections in a different translation. Of the more modern English translations – good options are: NIV, NLT, ESV or NKJV
c.      Listen to scripture being read aloud in your car

Many people like reading books. We go to the library look through the racks until we find something interesting. We sit down and start reading… until we are done. Then we are ready for something new… so back to the library we go. This is not how we deal with God’s word. The bible is not really a “book” in that common sense. In some ways it’s an experience… God’s word is meant to be interacted with. Read a portion… set aside… then thought over… perhaps compared and contrasted with life’s experiences… ask questions about… seek answers… write your thoughts about it down… to be read over again perhaps right away perhaps later… in light of increased experience and maturity.

2.      Memorize key scriptures
a.      Flash cards provided by the ABC fundraiser
b.      Memorize sections of the Psalms
3.      Write out the books of the law by hand
a.      Builds a foundation upon which everything that follows is built (law, prophets and the apostles)
b.      What does God have to say about sex, property rights, tort law, restitution, handling criminals, public execution, respect for animal life, etc.
c.      Because it’s an increased level of engagement
4.      Physically interact with your bible (perhaps comment on digital bibles)
a.      Get a wide margin bible and start marking it up
b.      Chain reference key doctrines (spirit in man) OR key topics (fasting, covetousness etc)
c.      Consider using colored pencils or pens (easier to recall)
d.      Mark in your personal thoughts / observations / big ideas / whatever you want
5.      Dig in to your bible – “How do I research a topic I’m interested in”?
a.      Concordance at back of your bible / chain references built-in to your bible
b.      Get bible research tools, bible software program – very easy to search for key words and phrases… also come with dictionaries, word studies etc.
c.      Read about the times and conditions people lived in while scriptures recorded
6.      Set goals for yourself
a.      For example: pray my way through the psalms Or mark up every page of my bible

Major Caveat: Will scriptural knowledge or understanding change you? No it won’t, not alone.

The bible provides us with amazing life giving spiritual information but the power is in the spirit. Israel had the word of God but it was of no value to them because it was not combined with belief, and they did not have the heart in them to obey. They knew it but they didn’t do it.

You can have the power of the universe within you… the Holy Spirit. To take you by the hand and walk you through, suffering and joy, babies and funerals, trials, disappointments, success, life’s pains, life’s pleasures…. falling down and getting back up. To live it… believe it and have the law written on your heart.

II Tim 3:14-16 – and for putting on the very mind of God, and taking your place in His family to rule, to serve, to judge and to love in the world that is coming. Don’t wait, start today. Call upon God and He will show you wonderful things you never even thought about through His word and His holy spirit.

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