Before the Return of Christ: The Great Tribulation
The Great Tribulation, or Time of Jacobs Trouble is a detailed set of prophesied events that will take place immediately before the return of Christ. It serves as a warning to those who are perhaps not taking their calling seriously… a source of understanding and reassurance for those who are caught up in these end-time events.
The Great Tribulation: A Time of God's Protection
First let’s start with something very positive and important…. God can and will protect His people. He does this in different ways depending on the situation:
· By a warning to flee in the face of imminent danger
· By causing powerful people to show them favor
· By supernatural intervention in events
Matthew 24:15-16, 21-22 the phrase comes from the words of Jesus Himself [but is also found in older prophecies]… note: He will supernaturally intervene for the sake of the elect.
Note: the so called rapture theory is inconsistent with the scriptures. For those of you who are not familiar with the rapture theory… it’s a wishful teaching that Jesus will whisk away all the good people to heaven before this time of tribulation. But the truth is that God’s people will be on earth during that terrible time… and one of the reasons Jesus intervenes is so these elect will not be wiped out and killed.
Revelation 12:14 further prophecy about God protecting His church. Verses 15 -16 again contrary to the rapture theory scripture depicts this happening ON EARTH. Verse 17 God will also allow some members of His Church to be persecuted and killed.
Revelation 3:10, 12 indicates that perseverance and overcoming [sin] are what set these folks apart from the hour of trial.
Find out more about the dramatic events the bible tells us will happen before the return of Christ. Request a FREE copy of our bible study guide: ➤ Seven Prophetic Signs Before Jesus Returns
What is The Great Tribulation?
Many have suffered over the centuries because of false teaching, war, famine, plague, and persecution. However, verse 21 shows these growing in intensity until we come to this very unique period in human history… there has never been anything like it in the past… and there will never be anything like it afterwards. It will be a singular, unique, one-time event… the Great Tribulation.
This key phrase or concept lets us cross-reference with other prophecies in scripture and put together a better understanding of this awful time. Jeremiah 30:7 and Daniel 12:1 are the two we will take a look at in a bit.
Verse 29-30 this time of Great Tribulation comes immediately before Christ’s return!
Who Will Be In Such Distress?
In addition to persecution and a Satanic war against the church of God it will be a time of great distress for the modern day descendants of Israel… Jeremiah 30:7 [recommend reading the entire chapter]
Daniel 12:1 says “your people” to Daniel
Luke 21:22-24 specifically refers to Jerusalem. Therefore, the nation state now called Israel.
Why Them?
All nations deserve to have the justice of God dished out to them for all their crimes, injustice, oppression and perversion… so why single out Israel?
The answer involves understanding a biblical principle: to Israel first and then to all other nations. We see this principle with a positive spin way back in the original promise to Abraham… “through you and your descendants all nations will be blessed”. Genesis 12:2-3. Paul applied this same formula in Romans 1:16, 2:9-10. Peter used it in Acts 3:26.
Just as Israel is first to be offered the good things of God… So, Israel will be the first to be punished… and after the time of Great Distress and the time of the rule of Christ on earth Israel will be the first to be restored. In the 1,000 year rule of Jesus Christ Israel will be set up as a model nation. Just like it was before.
The Time of Great Tribulation is Also Aimed at the Church of God
· Revelation 13:5-7 makes war with the saints and overcomes them
· Daniel 7:23-25 persecutes the saints
The time of Great Tribulation will affect the modern day descendants of Israel and the Church of God.
Who Will Do the Persecuting & How Long Will it Last?
We actually just read the answer to both questions in the preceding two scriptures.
The persecutor is referred to as the ‘beast’.
God’s punishment of Israel also follows a pattern… He allows foreign nations to gain military supremacy over them, subjugate and humiliate them. Think of the book of Judges, Saul’s wars with the Philistines, the Assyrians, the Babylonians… and this great and powerful entity of the future known only as… the beast.
The “beast” is the last in a long line of powerful human kingdoms that dominate the earth. There is more we can say about the beast but let’s leave that for another time.
We also know from scriptures we read earlier that Satan instigates the Great Tribulation Rev 12:12-13. Why is he so angry?
· Because his time is almost up
· Hates the church
· Has always hated the descendants of Israel ever since God chose them to be His holy people
So the answer to our question who will do the persecuting is two part: the beast & Satan working together.
How Long Will The Great Tribulation Last?
Answer: 3.5 years… Note: a biblical year is 360 days made up of 12 months each 30 days long. That can be said in several different ways… 1,260 days, 42 months, 3.5 years [times = years, Babylonian type word only found in Daniel]
Revelation 13:5 the beast was given authority [to blaspheme, persecute, conquer] for 42 months
Daniel 7:23-25 the beast shall conquer, blaspheme, and persecute the entire earth for a time, times, and half a time
Daniel 12:7 after discussing this time of distress to come upon Daniel’s people a voice asks… how long will this time of Great Distress & Tribulation last? Answer: 3:5 years
Revelation 12:14 in the context of Satan’s angry persecution of the Church, and God’s protection of the church there is a definite period of time marked out a time, times, and half a time. See verse 6 where it reads: 1,260 days.
The time of Great Tribulation is both time when the Church of God is persecuted, overcome, and chased into a wilderness hiding place out of Satan’s reach and it’s the time when all authority and power are gathered together in the Beast [Satan’s agent of persecution].
Does The Word of God Cease To Be Proclaimed?
During that same 3.5 year period when the Beast is all powerful and the church is on the run… God’s plans for 2 witnesses to preach in a very powerful way, Revelation 11:2-3. After the 1260 days they are executed.
There are 3 momentous events happening during this 3.5 year period called the Great Tribulation: the rise of the final world dominating government [the beast], the persecution of the people of God, the final preaching of the word of God accompanied by signs, wonders etc.
Knowing This Stuff… Is There Anything You Can or Should Do?
Jesus gives you the answer to that question… Matthew 24:42 He says be watchful of the signs of the times, but mostly be watchful of yourself at all times. In the following chapter [25] He gives you:
· a warning about your spiritual condition [ten virgins]. Are you following the lead of the Holy Spirit?
· an exhortation and a warning about the works you do unto reward the talents]
· a warning about mercy, compassion, and how you treat one another [sheep & goats]
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