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Putting out leavening

Recently I was asked a few questions regarding days of Unleavened Bread and putting out leavening as a spiritual exercise for the Church of God. Here is a link to a short article that explains "leavening" and gives a complete list of modern products considered leavening:


Putting leavening out basically means removing it from your home, property, workstation etc. ... any place which is "yours". For most people this involves removing items from your fridge, pantry and other storage places plus areas where there may be crumbs and other leftovers.

Its a simple spiritual exercise meant to remind us of the importance of searching and examining our personal lives for hidden or unseen sin and disobedience towards God our Father... and getting rid of it.

A few scriptures to consider:
Exodus 12:15-16 - the original command to Israel
1 Corinthians 5:7 - same instruction for the church
1 Corinthians 5:8 - the spiritual meaning 

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