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Satan's Agenda of Destruction For Humanity

Satan's Hidden Agenda

We live in a time that is filled with hatred and rage... two signature characteristics of the Godlessness of the end-times is brutality and lack of self control. Our news reports are filled with stories of outraged mobs hurling vile accusations and death threats at people they disagree with. We are losing all sense of respect and mutual concern. In my opinion most of what counts as news these days is basically; who said what mean thing against who.

How can human beings [every one of whom is made in the likeness of God] become so full of hatred for other human beings who are made in God's image? One reason is they have a futile and darkened understanding of who and what a human being is.

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Genesis 1:26-27 our society [schools, media, government] has swallowed a whopper of lie and actively promote that lie: that a human being is nothing more than a high functioning animal. Not endowed with any spark of the divine... but more like a mud worm that has crawled out of the primordial soup and by blind chance developed language, culture, science, self consciousness.

The result we are reaping from decade after decade of such foolishness is brutality. In fact there are many popular political and social movements afoot that promote the idea of humanity as a plague on the planet... and evil to be eradicated. Some of the hatred out there is even done in the name of God, this is false religion, a false understanding of God.

James 3:5-9 much of the hatred we are experiencing across the entire globe is inflamed by words... what people say [which is now magnified and intensified by social media, and an irresponsible broadcast media]. Many stupid, hurtful things are said because this dimension of understanding others as made in the image of God is lacking.

Matthew 5:21-22 understanding our fellow human beings as made in God's image, with tremendous potential in God's family should guide how we perceive and treat one another. Hatred is the spirit of murder and leads to the destruction of the hater and the murderer.

Could we be so deceived? Yes, if we do not guard our hearts.

The talk, the thinking, the activity I have been describing is of Satan. It is inspired by our adversary who is also the adversary of all humanity.

Why Does Satan Hate Humanity?

Hebrews 1:14 God created the angelic realm and assigned them the role of ministering spirits. That would have included Satan. The angels were part of the infrastructure our Father Creator put in place to facilitate His plan to bring many children to glory. Angelic beings sometimes serve as messengers, but one of their primary day-to-day responsibilities is to protect fragile human beings in a potentially hostile physical environment.

Isaiah 14:12-13 Lucifer was one of three archangels [high up in God's organization]. The others we know of are Michael, and Gabriel. But Lucifer came to a point where he no longer wanted to accept his role within the plan God had in mind. He was dissatisfied with his subordinate role. He didn't want to be under the authority of God. He wanted to be much more than a ministering spirit! Lucifer rebelled and managed to convince 1/3 of his fellow angels to go along with him. Lucifer is now simply known as "the adversary"... Satan

Now, this involves a bit of speculative thinking but given what we know about Satan's desire to be exalted, he couldn't have been pleased when he found out the Father Creator was going to create spirit beings, beginning with flesh and blood humans, who would enter into the family of God as children, heirs, and brothers with the Jesus Christ... and that he and the other angels would serve them.

1 Corinthians 6:3 [see also Romans 8:17 and Hebrews 2:5-9] human beings are destined to be given authority over the angels... could this be what created such rage, such hatred, such jealousy and envy?

Satan Hates The Family

The human family is modeled after the God family. It a physical representation of everything God has in store for human beings. And Satan hates it.

While we are still in the flesh the human family provides us with multiple object lessons that can [when done right] help us understand God's intentions for us... conception and birth, inclusion, loving authority, safety & security, unconditional love, loyalty and faithfulness, growing to maturity, receipt of our inheritance.

Satan is jealous of the future human beings have in God's family. He has selfish ambitions to be more than a ministering spirit... he hopes to do an end run around the entire structure of the Father Creator's family design and declare himself to be like the most high... exalted and worshiped.

The human family is a physical representation of the very system Satan dreams of over-throwing and replacing! So you should not be surprised that Satan attacks the institution of the human family... and the pressure will intensify.

James 3:13-17 the fruits of jealously and selfish ambition are: strife, confusion, vile practices.
Some of the most contentious issues in our time are matters of family. Since the Godly model for family defines and regulates the bounds of human sexuality contentions about legitimate human sexual expression are "family issues".

Easy divorce, cohabitation, abortion, unnatural relations between the sexes, what is and what is not to be called a marriage etc. A tidal wave of political and legal strife, confusion about gender, and just down right perversion has been unleashed upon our society... and much of it is about attacking and undermining the biblical model of the family.

Might we too be so deceived? Yes, it is possible. I believe that biblical teaching about the family will come under increased attack in the future. What goes on in popular culture will seep into the church... if we let it. Some may be called to stand up for truth on this matter... and that someone might be you.

Satan's Has  An Organization

To make all this happen Satan has in place a powerful and far-reaching organization.

Ephesians 6:12  All government, religious, educational and media organizations are under the control of or influence of Satan [heavenly places - God ordained positions of authority, because all authority is granted by God Romans 13:1].

Genesis 1:26 when God made man and woman in His image He also gave them dominion over the planet. They were designed to rule over earth. Of course they were innocent and naive, but God was there to provide guidance, structure, support... From the very beginning God was teaching His children to wield authority. Satan hates any authority other than his own.

However, Satan was allowed access as well and he was able to drive a wedge between God and His children [God wants you to love Him by your own choice, not because you have no choice]. In this seminal event humanity allowed Satan a position of influence over their thinking. They invited him in... Satan cannot force a human against their will... but he has a lot of influence. He is called the prince of this world, the prince of the power of the air, the god of this world.

So, mankind still has dominion over the earth. We occupy the office, president, senator, mayor etc. But Satan influences and deceptively manipulates according to his agenda. Human governments often display to characteristics of Satan... oppression, tyranny, war, strife, mass extermination... but they sometimes display characteristics of God, public decency, order, loyalty, security etc.

Human government is a mix of good and evil. We want some of the things of God, but we also want some of the things of Satan, mostly we want the freedom to choose for ourselves which way to follow.

Psalm 2:1-12 human governments want to be free from God and His authority. However, the voice and counsel of God is still active among them.

God Holds Us Back

God actually restrains humanity and holds them back from going too far in areas that would lead to their own destruction [which is where Satan wants to lead them]. He is called a murderer and destroyer because he leads humanity away from the path to life. He is out to destroy their future.

2 Thessalonians 2:3-10 one of the scary features of the end times is that this restraint will be lifted. At some point God will allow humanity, and Satan, to act with complete impunity. That time will be short, destructive, terrifying, and quickly put to a stop by the return of Christ before the destruction is complete.

Daniel 10:18-21 here we are given a glimpse into Satan's global organization. Each gentile nation has a demon [a prince] assigned to it.  The prince of Persia did not want the messenger angel to get to Daniel. There is a prince of Greece. And there is a prince of Israel who is Michael [Michael is not a demon, he appears to be part of the forces of restraint].

This is the top level of Satan's organization but it reaches into every level of human society especially its key control points; government, economics, media, education.

Matthew 18:10 God has provided a parallel organization. You have ministering spirits to aid you: to protect you from danger.

Are We Now Experiencing the Removal of Restraint?

The only thing standing in the way of Satan accomplishing his agenda of destruction is: God and His Christ, the Church, and the human family. We know God will lift His restraining hand, we know Satan will war against the Church and prevail, what about the family.

Even in an unbelieving culture the institution of the family provides some protection against the destructive work of Satan. The love of a father and mother, the bonds of brotherhood and sisterhood, loyalty, affection. The breakdown of the human family, the loss of respect for the human family, the confusion sown in our society about marriage, human sexuality, responsibility and authority... these all contribute to acceptance of the coming brutality and violence.

Human being will be open to the idea of a powerful materialistic state taking the place of the family. This all encompassing state is what the bible calls "the beast" [an appropriate name].

Revelation 13:4-10
It is not the Church's job to fix human society. Our role is to provide a light in the darkness, for example to preserve the understanding and practice of family. That is what it means to be salt in the world... a preserving agent to keep things from going rotten.

Knowing This What Then Should You Do?

As a member of God's Church it is your role to stand up for the family... Are you a wife or a mother? Your #1 priority is to build your family, to teach your children to become family people, let them learn about God through the beauty of a godly family.

Are you an older woman, empty nester... God's word tells you to teach and encourage younger women the valuable lessons of family life, child-rearing, respect, authority, and discipline.

Are you a husband or a father? Your #1 priority is to love your family, provide for you wife and children, teach your sons and daughters to become family people. Provide them a positive model of love, authority, respect, and responsibility.

Malachi 4:5-6 God is looking to the family to preserve something good, something worth saving when the day of the Christ's return finally comes. It is for your sake and your family's sake that the terrible days to come when all restraint is removed from Satan... that those days are cut short.

Satan will accomplish his goal of being worshiped, but that time will be short.

I believe Satan's purpose of presenting himself as the worthy alternative to our Father Creator is intimately tied to the overthrow of the human family... with it model of father, mother, and loving children.

How that will play out in our days we will have to wait and see. But for now we know what we must do. Preserve, promote, and protect the human family and all it stands for.

Read this post on our website - Satan's Agenda of Hatred For Humanity

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