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What Does Your Bible Actually Teach About Hell?

In the old testament the word hell is from the Hebrew sheol. It refers to the place where dead people go… which is the grave. A hole dug in the ground into which a body is placed then covered up. It could also refer to a tomb or a burial cave. Sheol is found in the old testament 65 times: 31 times its translated grave, 31 times its translated hell, and 3 times its translated pit.
The new testament gets interesting… there are 3 different Greek words that have each been translated hell. Each of these has a different meaning…

#1 The Grave

The first Greek word which is often translated hell is hades which refers to the place of the dead. Hades is the closest Greek equivalent of sheol… the place of the dead, the grave. The Greeks had all sorts of their own ideas about afterlife which were attached to the word (Hades is the name of the Greek god of the underworld for example)… but if you were going to write in Greek about a hole in the ground where dead bodies were buried… hades was the word. It means the same thing as sheol, the place where dead people go.
The writers of the new testament worked with a version the old testament that had been translated from Hebrew into Greek. Its called the Septuagint. Here’s an example of how the Hebrew word sheol was translated using the Greek word hades:
Acts 2:27 the word here is hades (hell in some older translations like KJV). Modern translations now often simply insert the actual Greek word hades… but the meaning is grave. This verse is part of a quotation from the old testament referring to the grave.
Psalm 16:10 the word here is sheol (hell in some older translations like KJV). Modern translations now often simply insert the Hebrew word sheol… but the meaning is the grave. This verse was a prophecy speaking of Jesus’ death…

Where did Jesus go when He died?

Luke 23:46 His spirit returned to God like it does for all humanity upon death.
His body went into a tomb, a burial cave, a form of grave. Matthew 12:40 Jesus referred to it as a place in the “heart of the earth”… a hole in the ground where dead bodies are put. He would stay there for 3 days and 3 nights.
Also, if hades, or hell, meant some place of torment under the crust of the earth… then you are saying that’s where Jesus was sent when He died.
When He died late that afternoon Jesus’ was put in a tomb and He stayed there for 3 days and 3 nights fulfilling the sign of Jonah. He was not alive in heaven, He was not alive in hell… he was dead, until he was raised back to life through resurrection.

#2 The Place of Restraint for Demons

The next word to consider is tartar which is found only once in the new testament in 2 Peter 2:4 and usually translated hell. In Greek literature tartaroo is the name for a mythical abyss where rebellious gods were confined. Under the inspiration of the Spirit of God, Peter uses this word a name for the place where Lucifer and the other rebellious angels were restrained, or imprisoned.
Seems appropriate… but where is that place of imprisonment?
Isaiah 14:12 [cut down to the earth], Revelation 12:7-11
The place of imprisonment is not some dark netherworld… they have been cast out and are confined to earth! Scripture tells us that Satan and demons are active and present on earth. Multiple real encounters with evil spirits on earth are recorded – Matthew 4:1-11; 8:6, 28-33;9:32-33. Satan is spoken of as the ruler of this present age John 12:31, 14:30, 16:11.
Tartaroo appears in scripture once and only applies to demons, not humans.

#3 The Fires of Gehenna

The 3rd word found translated as hell is Gehenna. Gehenna is a Greekified version of the Hebrew phrase Gai Hinnom, meaning Valley of Hinnom located to the south of old Jerusalem. Today it’s a park. During the times of the kings in Judah the place was used for idolatry and horrible practices like human sacrifice. King Josiah made a point of desecrating the place during his attempt to reform the nation of Judah 2 Kings 23:10, 13,14 [defiled with human bones].
In Jesus’ day [probably following the same idea of desecration] the valley of Hinnom was used as the city dump with a constantly burning fire… dead carcasses of animals would be thrown in there… bodies of despised criminals were thrown in there to be burned up. Jesus referred to this place in His teaching as an example or analogy of the fate that awaited the wicked who refused to repent.
For example:
Mark 9:43-48 Jesus is quoting from Isaiah 66:23-24. The bodies being talked about are dead bodies… not living beings in the throes of torment from fire and worms. Jesus is saying… if you don’t repent you will be like bodies of dead animals or cursed criminals thrown on the garbage heap where you will be totally consumed.
Immortal worms? No. If a dead body is left exposed what happens? Flies land on them and lay eggs → The eggs hatch into maggots which feed on the dead flesh → The maggots grow into flies → if there is still meat on the bones the flies will lay more eggs. The worms won’t stop until the entire dead corpse is consumed.
Everlasting fire? This simply means the fire will continue burning until all the combustible material is consumed. It will not be stopped, or quenched. See Ezekiel 20:45-48.

When Will This Burning & Consuming Happen?

Jesus, the Messiah will return and establish the rule of God on earth as a demonstration of how God’s way of living works. At the time of His return, those who are His will be resurrected from the grave to eternal life, with bodies composed of spirit. They will work side by side with Christ establishing the rule of God on earth.
Revelation 20:4-5
This amazing demonstration of God’s rule on earth only lasts for a fixed period of time which scripture says is 1,000 years. At the end of the allotted time two further events occur:
  1. Revelation 20:7 Satan is released for one last round of deception… then He is thrown into the lake of fire.
  2. Revelation 20:11-15 all the remaining human beings who have ever lived will be raised to life. Not eternal life but temporary physical life in a temporary physical body which can die. For the first time they will know the truth of God [the books will be opened to them] and they will see the marvelous fruits of Gods way.
During this period of judgment, they too will be asked to make a decision… to choose life [to be written in the book of life] or destruction [thrown into the lake of fire].
Some will not choose life. Their punishment will be complete and permanent destruction.
Matthew 10:28 The lake of fire is the ultimate destruction of the wicked who will not repent. It is a complete destruction of the entire person, soul and body. Even whatever record of them God kept to be used in order to resurrect them is destroyed. There will be no further memory of them Isaiah 26:10-14.
Malachi 4:1-3 uprooted like an unproductive tree and tossed on the fire. Burned up until nothing remains but ash.
Revelation 21:8 teachings about universal salvation are false. Not everyone will be saved unto everlasting life… there is a second death after which there is no further hope or promise of life or resurrection.
Revelation 21:1 after all this takes place then the entire earth will be transformed through a fire that consumes everything that was… and there is a new beginning, a new heavens and a new earth. The earth, purged by fire, is transformed into a suitable place for the righteous to live 2 Peter 3:10.


God’s word says the wicked person who refuses to repent will be punished with destruction in fire. Not the mythical Hell of humanity’s imagination but an all consuming fire that will burn until every last scrap is consumed. [PAUSE]
God is love… many have a hard time reconciling this declaration with the idea of God throwing people into everlasting torment. How could such a God be worshiped or admired? But the human traditions regarding Hell are not found in the bible.
God is merciful… those who will not live according to His way of love and outgoing concern for others will die but they will not suffer forever. They will be consumed by fire and forgotten.
God is righteous and just
Eternal life is a gift. God wants to grant it to you. He wants to grant it to as many as are willing. But He’s only going to give it to those who follow Him.
  • The lake of fire… in the final analysis is an act of mercy
  • The lake of fire… in the final analysis is and act of righteousness
Any other alternatives would be a plan for sorrow and anguish.
Psalm 19:9

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