The Promise of a Coming Kingdom

Some people think the kingdom of God is getting to go to heaven after death… if you have been a good person in this life. I spent an entire sermon about a month ago showing from scripture that this was certainly not the case. I will not go over all that material right now except to remind you that God’s word clearly tells us that no person born of the flesh has ever ascended to heaven except...
Jesus Christ who was resurrected after 3 days and 3 nights in the grave.
Jesus Christ who was resurrected after 3 days and 3 nights in the grave.
Another idea many people have is that the kingdom of God is “the church” or the “age of the church”. The general idea is that Christ currently reigns using “the church” as His agents or representatives on earth. It is common to see the church’s commission as one which transforms the earth along godly principles [make disciples of all nations etc]. After that transformation has been accomplished Christ will then return.
This is [or has been] the most dominant interpretation of the Kingdom of God since probably about 300 AD. It’s the teaching of Eastern Orthodox, Catholic, Lutheran, Calvinist, Anglican, Mennonite churches etc. The teaching that Christ will first return and then establish the rule of God on earth, beginning first with a period of 1,000 years followed by the unveiling of a new heavens and new earth is definitely the minority position.
Simmering under the surface and co-existing with this idea of “the church” as the kingdom of God is a nebulous vision of the kingdom of God as a state of mind, something existing in the heart of those who believe… a state of mind that represents the finest and most noble goals and ideals attainable by humanity. When this kingdom thinking reaches a critical mass, or tipping point, when it rules the hearts of humanity good things will happen.
These two ways of looking at the Kingdom of God are the driving force behind positioning “the church” as the instigator of social justice, and as God’s instrument to convert humanity to the higher ideals of love, compassion, personal integrity, respect for human life, and sexual fidelity. It is an approach that has brought about some very positive changes to an otherwise vicious and bloodthirsty world.
Even applying only parts of the truth of God has had a positive influence on human society, culture, and government. But there is fatal flaw in the plan… Noble ideals may find a home in the human heart… but so do very dark, selfish and destructive ideas. “The human heart is deceitful above all things and incurably sick [wicked] who can ever understand it”
The churches of this world and their program to make the world subject to Christ are staffed by human beings who are themselves a mixture of good and evil. Because of this fatal flaw, understanding the kingdom of God to be the “reign” or “age” of a church has also put certain of these “world changing” churches in the position of themselves being the oppressor, unjust judges, and “spillers of blood”.
That’s a very simplified version of the most prevalent understanding of what the kingdom of God means. It’s a teaching that brings some good to pass but like all false doctrines has the disastrous effect of bringing disrepute upon the scriptures, and upon God.
Exodus 20:7 God does not want His name an reputation attached to false teachings or unjust causes!
The True Promise of God’s Coming Kingdom
In the new testament the word kingdom is baselia. It’s a greek word meaning royal power, authority, rulership, and dominion. So, the kingdom of God can be understood as a world ruling monarchy, governing the earth, with Jesus Christ as it head.
The clearest revelations of this understanding are found in the prophets, especially Daniel.
Daniel 1:17
Daniel 2:28-45
The word kingdom here is malku… with the same meaning as baselia.
The statue or image graphically represents a succession of worldly empires. The last and final of these is the kingdom of God, established and ruled by Jesus Christ. He is the rock that is not cut out by any human hands… indicating its is of God’s doing.
Through the inspiration of God, Daniel reveals that the head of gold was Babylon [verse 2:38]. It is also generally understood by most readers of scripture that the chest and arms of silver is the Persian empire. Then the belly and thighs of brass are the Greek empire. How do we get that?
History records that God gave the land of Israel to Bablyon who ruled a vast empire for a short while and was then conquered by the Persians. Persia took the territory and ruled their vast empire for a few centuries. Persian was then over-run and conquered by the Greek armies of Alexander the Great who took what Persia had and ruled an even larger territory. Finally, Rome conquered the Greeks and took over their empire. The land that was once Israel became part of their territory.
Daniel 7 Daniel himself has a dream about the 4 successive kingdoms. This time with a slightly different perspective. These ruling power of earth appear as wild animals [which tells us something about their character, guided by the passions of the flesh etc]. The 4th of these kings or kingdom/empires is noted as being especially cruel and aggressive towards the people of God. The 4th empire is also spoken of as existing in one form or another until the time when Jesus Christ [the Son of Man] comes to take over all the power, authority and rule on earth [Daniel 7:8-14].
Daniel 8 Daniel receives a third vision of the kingdoms of the future. This dream only features the two kingdoms that follow Babylon but have not yet been identified by name to Daniel. These 2 are depicted as 2 rams battling it out. We find their identities in verses 20-21. They are Persia, followed by Greece. Note: the 4th kingdom that persists until the return of Christ is not revealed by name in scripture although it is commonly considered to be Rome.
Human Governments Will Be Replaced By Kingdom/Rule of God
The vision of the giant statue with its 4 sections and the vision of the vision of the 4 beasts that rise out of the sea end the same way. They are removed and replaced by kingdom of God ruled by Jesus Christ the King.
This is the kingdom of God which Jesus preached about to people while His days in the flesh.
The rule of God with Jesus Christ as king replaces all the earth’s human systems of government... its rulers & subjects, its laws, culture and tradition, and takes over their territory… in other words, the entire planet earth. All the earth’s territory will be given over to Jesus Christ and those who are with Him. This is when the meek will inherit the earth and all people will worship and obey Jesus Christ the Son of Man. This is the encouraging message Jesus came to teach, proclaim and expand upon.
The kingdom of God is not a state of mind, it is not a lofty ideal we can aspire to and perhaps achieve one day. The kingdom of God is a very real, boots on the ground, plan of action, with a specific timetable, to transform the earth into something amazing and wonderful.
Why Doesn’t The Kingdom Start Now?
Scriptural prophecy indicates that humanity will not achieve the ideals and perfections of the kingdom of God. Almost the opposite is the case, Jesus Christ Himself will have to stage an “intervention” before this world destroys itself.
For now humanity has been allotted a specific [and finite] amount of time to rule themselves. It is what humanity has chosen and its what God has allowed… separation from God and a high level of personal autonomy. By the end of the allotted time humanity will have demonstrated themselves to be completely incapable of living in a way that is peaceful, just, prosperous, or healthful.
That vast human experiemtn will come to a screeching halt when Christ returns. The failed governments, culture and religions humanity has cooked up will be replaced with something new.
Prophecies About the Substance of the Kingdom of God
Michah 4:1-3
Isaiah 9:6-7
Under Christ’s rule humanity will at long last see what the kingdom of God is really about… people will learn God’s ways and experience the God way of doing things. This too will happen for a specifically allotted amount of time… 1,000 years based on what we are given to know from scripture.
A Time to Choose
After this 1,000 year period folks are going to have to make a choice.
God: I gave you all plenty of time to run the world your way. It was a botch. Are you interested in my way now? Its been implemented for 1,000 years and you can clearly see the fruits of it… what its like and so forth… do you want to be a part of this?
Who will God be giving this choice to? … Everyone who has ever lived!
Yes, at the end of 1,000 years of righteous rule all people who have ever lived will be resurrected to life. The followers of Christ will have already been resurrected. The resurrection happened for them way back when Christ came to take over. In fact, they worked together with Him to put this 1,000 year demo of a God based world together. Revelation 20:4-6
After that 1,000 years a couple of very interesting things happen:
- Satan is released [verses 7-10]
- A session of judgment is set up and all people are resurrected [read 11-12]
What Conditions Will They Encounter?
- All those who have lived and died will be raised back to life into a world that is the product of 1,000 years of righteous rule. They will see, hear, smell, taste, and touch what the kingdom of God is really like. Note: They will not have to choose the kingdom way based on faith… in something they have not seen. In that way their time of choosing is different than yours.
- Other scriptures indicate that in the kingdom of God free access to the spirit of God will be made available. Understanding of spiritual truth will now be possible for all those who were previously blinded. This is how we interpret the phrase “the books were opened” [verse 12].
The people of the 2nd resurrection will be judged based on what is written in the books [scrolls] and what they do [their works]. We do not know how long this session of judgment lasts. Long enough for them to make an informed decision.
People who opt out of the Kingdom of God will not have their names written in the 2nd book opened up … the book of life. They will die the second death mentioned earlier… and all memory of them will be removed forever.
Your Time of Judgment is Now
You are being asked to make your decision for the kingdom of God now. Your decision will be based on faith… believing in and placing your confidence in stuff you have not seen, touched, tasted, smelled or heard. All you know of the kingdom of God is what God has told you and what He has promised you.
God is calling you now to claim your place along side Christ. To assist Him in setting up that 1,000 year long demonstration. God is calling you to declare yourself for the kingdom and start living and learning the kingdom of God way of life right now. He is calling you to a prized position in the eternal family as the bride and help mate of Jesus Christ at His return.
After that… the kingdom of God continues on forever. Revelation 21:1-7
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