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What You Can Do To Grow Your Faith

At times life comes at you with all its force and you feel weak or inadequate... you can become discouraged and feel like you lack faith… “if only I had faith I wouldn’t be afraid… I wouldn’t be overwhelmed”.

Does courage mean you experience no fear… or is courage standing firm even with a shaking hand. A quivering lip, or a racing heartbeat? Even the great heroes of faith struggled with trials and challenges… sometimes crying out to God with great anguish and despair. What is God’s purpose in all this?
Hebrews 11:34 out of weakness they became strong
They grew in faith as a result of the trials and tests they faced, not in spite of the trials You will grow in faith through the trials and test you face. But its not the mere presence of a trial that grows faith… it’s the way you face it… with the active work of the holy spirit in you.
2 Timothy 3:12 We tend to think of persecution as Gestapo officers coming to arrest and drag people off to jail… but the meaning of the word dioko = chased after, harassed, troubled (same word in in verse 2:22). You could also be pursued by spiritual forces. You could have health issues, job issues, family issues.
Where do you go when you’ve got such trouble? Go to God. Like the man said when Jesus told him anything was possible for those who believe “I believe, help me in my unbelief”! And Jesus gave him what he needed. He healed his son from possession by a demonic spirit.
Jesus will not condemn you or turn you away when and if your faith falters… He will help you. Note: there were times when He said he could do nothing for certain people who had zero faith… but faith that is struggling, faith that is struggling with fear, doubt, anxiety… He is willing to help those who cry out “I have faith, help me in my lack of faith”!
Christ wants you to participate in the process.
Jesus Christ is active and living in you through the power of the Holy Spirit working together with your spirit… bringing into the fullness of the mind and character of God. One of the great products of that active working of the Holy Spirit in you is FAITH.
Grow in Faith
Faith is the key to everything good and worthwhile. First and foremost it is through faith we receive God’s favor, His approval, which leads to resurrection at Christ’s return.
  1. Ask for it – ask for greater and stronger faith in prayer. Ask for it often. It is God’s will that you grow in faith and He s glad to work with you to increase it.
    1. Prayer is a vital part in our lifelong conversation with God… through it we express our concerns, our love, wisdom and understanding.
    2. When we ask for wisdom in a trying situation are we not also asking for faith? To see and understand things as they really are?
    3. You did not find God rather He has found you and made himself known to you… but once He has made himself known… He wants you to seek Him. And if you seek Him you will find Him… if you seek Him with all your heart and all your soul [Deut 4:29]
  2. Interaction with His word – Romans 10:17
    1. HOW - Regular bible reading on your own – direct interaction
    2. HOW - Christ has commissioned teachers within His church whose are to explain and fill out the meaning of God’s word. So you also interact with His word through hearing sound teaching and instruction. However, you are also responsible to know the scriptures yourself so you can check and verify the truth of what you are taught.
    3. WHY - In its simplest form faith is believing God exists and can do what He promises. To know what God promises you need to read His word.
    4. WHY - We also learn how He wants us to live & think, what He is willing to do for us, examples of His interactions with humanity… which we can learn from, which provide inspiration etc. Romans 15:4-5
  3. Obey – acting upon God’s commands is an expression of your faith. Faith is not bliss… faith is putting what we know to work. We will lose our way if we confuse faith with a desire for constant happiness, delight, ecstasy, or a seeking to be oblivious to the perils around us.
    1. Obedience is powered by faith – put the word of God in your heart and in your mind so it can become your way of thinking and acting… powered by faith in the one who gave you this word.
    2. John 14:21-23 Jesus promises that any who obey Him will have a special bond with the Father
    3. You grasp the reality of His presence in your life through obedience
You, or I, can say “I’m going to fully obey God”!
… yet I know its impossible to do on my own. Scripture tells us that… but for most of us its also played out in bitter personal experience where we fall short of the glory of God. BUT… I go ahead anyhow… we step out in faith.
To the degree that you, or I, yield ourself to Christ living in us I am able to keep His commands. Galatians 2:20
To yield I need to:
  1. Believe that Christ is in me and truly acts [if Christ were sitting next to me would I do that?]
  2. Make an effort myself. Note: this effort of my own would never go anywhere without the help guidance and active work of Christ in me through the power of the Holy Spirit. But I must yield to that Spirit of Christ in me. If I do nothing He will not drag me against my will. I must willingly follow the lead of His Spirit. Colossians 1:24-29, Ephesians 1:18-20
This is living faith… expressed in righteous works.
Genesis 15:5-6 Abraham declared to be righteous through his faith
James 2:22 which then leads to obedience

Faith & Deeds

Think of playing catch with a little child. You [the parent] throw the ball to them… usually a soft little lob with a light ball. Then they respond by throwing it back to you. Wobbly at first then getting stronger as they do it over and over again. You move up to a harder ball, a further throw… etc. etc. The more you do it the stronger and better at it they get. Romans 1:17
All this requires a good understanding of His word… His commands, statutes, judgments, promises, prophecies, corrections, and examples from the lives of those who have gone before us.
This is how you can walk with God and grow in faith!
Prayer study/instruction obedience repeat cycle. Faith increases with time. Sometimes in small incremental steps, sometimes in huge leaps [often associated with trial]. But it is a daily process. Don’t look down on those small incremental steps… they help prepare you for the huge leaps we sometimes have to make through trial and testing. [PRACTICE VS. GAME DAY]

Everyone Who Has Faith Will Have Their Faith Tested

1 Peter 1:1-9 [word picture—gold does not oxidize]
Trials and troubles are not pleasant… they are traumatic, frightening, painful. But they are the stuff that grows faith.
Your test may be health problems, finding a mate, a threat to your life, family, job problems. God knows how to test your faith. There is not one size that fits all… but He will do His perfect work in you.
Our Father Creator is kind and understanding of our weaknesses… but still expects us to move forward in faith. So, as part of your prayer for faith ask for wisdom… open my eyes… help me to see and understand. James 1:2-5

Prepare Now For What May Lay Ahead

We cannot choose the time, or the manner, of our testing… so prepare now. A life of prayer, God’s word, and humble obedience strengthen your faith in the good times so you may be better prepared when a time of testing comes.

Hold on to the Promises of God

The present can seem dark and grim…but know the future is bright and filled with God’s glorious purpose.
The rule of Christ on earth…
A role for you to partake in it…
A resurrection to eternal life for you…
Those who have gone before us in faith have not yet received the promises they set their hopes on. Through faith they saw it and believed in the inevitability and sureness of it. So can you.
To inherit so great a future requires faith.
A life of Faith means we must step into… endure and persevere in difficult, uncomfortable, even threatening situations. At such times stay focused on the kingdom of God…
Hebrews 11:39-12:2
We make our stand based on the word of God 1 Peter 1:23-25
For those who seek first and foremost the kingdom of God there is great reward. In the meantime while we persevere and endure He offers us comfort. We get that through His word… but He does not leave us alone with only a book to read… He gives us one another… so that through Christ living and active in you comfort is given to others.
2 Corinthians 1:3-5
The English word comfort is ok but it limits the scope of what is being considered here. The word is paraklesis. It’s the same word Jesus used when He spoke to the disciples about the workings of the Holy Spirit which was to come after He was executed. He called the Spirit… the comforter (KJV), helper (NKJV), advocate (NIV). In our day and language “comforting someone” conjures up images of being tucked up in a cozy blanket with a warm mug of chicken soup. And sometimes that might be part of the work of the Holy Spirit. But…
Paraklesis [ie. comfort] is a calling, a summons, exhortation, encouragement… cheering one another on, admonition [authoritative counsel, warning], consolation, refreshing of the thoughts and emotions, persuasion, and a call to action.
It is for theses things that our Father wants us to spend time with one another. Let’s make sure not to neglect His will in the good times so that we are able to do this good work in the bad times.
1 Thessalonians 4: 16-18 paraklesis one another
Not everyone is call to the understanding and future that God has called you to. The time to put this calling to action is now.
Grow now in all the good things of faith so you are prepared for the days ahead.

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